In order to rise, we must address our density.

In order for us to raise our vibration, we must be willing to witness our anger (which keeps us dense). I do strongly believe in that with raising our vibration, and how to do just that, is to confront our own demons. This is why I say, we ALL need ‘therapy’. When you see another’s ‘evil’, you are witnessing the absence of love, and though in no way are we anything like the murderer, we are. Bare with me. Hate,…

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Late On Time.

I’m always catching up. I must have too much to do, right? Why is it that so many seem to have an equally full life and yet they can handle it all? It finally dawned on me when I just looked at me. I stopped looking at the comparison, instead turning my gaze into my own Universe. I have a different life. I experience things differently. And I’m still healing. As many know the long story of my decades long…

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Should I stay or should I go?

This surprisingly is not about an intimate relationship, rather an relationship between myself and life. There’s been so much that showed up voicing the belief that I should just give up. Yet the real question is, am I holding on? This time I wasn’t.  When things get stressful, more often than not it’s us holding on to the illusionary destiny, how we think it should turn out. We want the finale, giving ourselves a high five for surviving the drama…

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Judgement is an inside job.

Over a space of time, I’ve noticed how judgement has been creeping into my inner circle of awareness and all I could wonder is why did I leave the door open to it? Maybe it learned how to walk through walls, regardless it’s sitting in my living room spewing condemnation. So how to be polite during this transient houseguest’s stay? I don’t know. But what I do know, is not to avoid eye contact and be inclusive with your love.…

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“Miracles are happening, our loss is when we search for them.” ~V.Wishstar

“I don’t know”, I say these words to myself not in defeat, but in surrender. I like that I don’t know things, even though I have a job that looks otherwise. There’s a space in the unknown, where we can stretch and relax into being. I like it there. I lost something very important to me back in Dec. 16th 2016 while doing a group reading at my local community hall. It snowed that late evening and as we closed…

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Bonding with your Baby BEFORE Conception

Most often folks talk about the bond before birth, but I’m here to share with you a deeper truth, one most overlooked thinking it’s just one’s biological clock ticking, yet what do you think makes that tick? You guessed it! Just as much as you’re searching for them, they’re searching for you. Where we get caught up is that we think to birth them, it must be in the physical. I’m also here to tell you, it’s not. It took…

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Do it anyway.

Here’s a glimpse into how to deal with what your psychic, astrologer or your palmist gives you. Do it anyway, but use the shift gear to get it into drive. Don’t match what they say, verbatim. Even when they say you’ll get a green truck and you get a white one, during Mercury in retrograde, and now it doesn’t start. Just tune into what’s being attracted to & for you and trust it. Very long story short, you can NOT…

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“Forgiveness does not come through the absence of anger.” ~ V.Wishstar

Which means, that one cannot start the forgiveness journey if you don’t address and validate how you feel. You don’t have to feel angry, but chances are that it’s within you. Not to be reactivated or acted upon but it’s there for you to sit with. Just as you would a child whose been hurt. You’d never say to that child, “suck it up” (unless you are unaware), no, you’d comfort them, listening to how they feel regardless if it’s…

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Responsible for all the wrong things.

If you look at the word, ‘responsibility’, you can see that when peeled apart it’s the ability to respond. Not react, but respond. There’s a difference. I’m uber responsible. It’s a control thing probably, as I had a head injury at 22 and life dramatically changed, including my fancy footwork of carefreeness. But even then, I was responsible, but not in a nerdy way rather in a ‘get me the hell out of high school’ way. I craved freedom, still…

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Crunchier than Granola

I’m super eco-friendly, and sort of obsessed with waste turning everything into reusability. At times it looks like I’m a hoarder, but really I just need a thrift store reusable wool cape with 3 R’s on it. Reduce, Reuse, Recycle. I can’t even throw away a plastic twist tie without thinking of how to reuse it, so I put it into my stash of other twist ties till either Pinterest or I comes up with a genius idea of how…

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