The Mountain Moved Me

A monologue of how to live in Alaska, beyond survival. A poetic awakening of how the ‘Mountain Moved Me’.  ————————————————————————————– Where do I belong when all I wanted was here? But ‘here’ showed me belonging is wherever I am. Not a place, nor space, wherever here is, I belong.  The Mountain Moved Me…. Just when I thought we were complete.  Life became alive, shockingly awake as if in my past I was only pretending. How little we see in the…

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Soulful Abortion

Soulful Abortion.A psychic mediumship’s experience on where they come from. There is no death.  Just as there’s no beginning, only in-body awareness within our understanding of time.  Here’s how it works from my experience with others and personally.  They come way before conception. The babies. Possibly before you were even born, scientifically when you were in utero. Soul time is no-time, just orchestrated dances fed through absolute consciousness. Our beliefs and values hold no placement here. Your beloveds call you,…

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Divine Feminine

She was naked, round belly full of promising life submerging into the Chilkat icy waters ritualizing her path into motherhood. Cloaked as a mountain goat I hugged all that she embodied, deliriously happy on the side of the road. Knee deep in the divine feminine.  I keep meeting myself. Chance encounters, soft choices barely audible. What if I were to make the biggest move and put all I’ve got into the Universe? So, I did. With the help of my…

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Move On

I’ve been told countless times to “move on”, from friends, from our mortgage broker, from the mountain itself. What if moving on required the honoring of being in it?  This is what I’ve given myself.  I allow the horror and give myself a side door exit when needed.  I allow myself to witness the injustice, the unconsciousness to rise up exposing the very broken system in which we all are tethered to.  I allow myself to feel the brutal reality…

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Sensitivity beating you up?

Is your Sensitivity beating you up? Own it instead of being blown to bits by it. It can be crushing or it can be freeing.  Our natural instinct is to control it, by controlling what’s happening. But when we do this we actually lose some of its magick in its arrival. We try to fit into it! Don’t! It’s not meant for a box – 4 walls, you’re much too big. This is expansion.  Your sensitivity is showing you the…

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My “storage is full”

My “storage is full.”  My Drive can no longer hold anything more. There’s a trauma response to “having”.  A house.  A job. A led possibility. A seemingly causation of health matters. But does it matter and could we even be held responsible? When anything good arrives the question arises, ‘can I handle having this?’  Desires are long gone at this point. Just action, as if we’re being pulled through a force well beyond our strength. We can’t fight it, deny…

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Love, yourself

Dearest one,  How could you ever be humble when you give yourself so completely? Please, don’t fall into the belief that “you’re not good enough”. How would you feel if you had my seat? Knowing all I know, seeing you with kindness eyes and truthful heart. You’re what we contemplate and write about = Aspiration transferring into INspiration. Just you, standing there, in your vortex. You have cultivated human diligence, tending to the soil before we sow our desires. Your…

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Unit Number 33

Unit number 33 Our treasures have a hard time holding joy when there’s no space to hold them. Brown boxed life, living out of storage units in three different states. I ponder why I need to share this story as I don’t mean to depress. I’m no longer in 100% survival mode, as we just got our ticket to freedom – our family is now on parole as of last week. Finally a remote job, a possibility to think beyond…

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Haines, Alaska Landslide – Year 1, Day of:

Haines, Alaska Landslide   Year 1, Day of: Full circle – only to face our fateful day. What do I do with this ‘review’?  Love it? Close it?  I don’t have, nor do I know, my big feelings any longer. They’ve swallowed me whole, so all I know is my inside world. Tender and raw. I’m in no hurry here, I adjust. Crying is no longer in contrast here, it’s always damp. Vulnerability opens me to experience love in the strangest…

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