Arguably Blessed

Arguably Blessed(Excerpt from the book: The Mountain Moved Me) Must I have to remind myself where I belong and where I am? Longing to put on a new-to-me Little Red Riding Hood, red wool jacket in the middle of February… in Florida. I long for what I cannot have. Energetically my bones are aching, drooling over the Haines, Alaska nixle cellphone reports of a ‘winter storm warning’, 4,189 miles away from home. “Wake up, Vanessa”, I yell in my head,…

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Wrangell, Alaska Relief Efforts

Wrangell, Alaska Relief Efforts Wrangell, Alaska just went through a similar landslide to that of Haines, AK, on Nov. 21st 2023. Twelve days away from the Haines’ three year landslide memorial. To say their loss shook our remote town is an understatement. Trapped tears – frozen inside our bodies, too shocking to re-feel, tending to our nervous systems entrapped in unconscious pain. Our numbness was helpful to get us through this, but now reawakened, this time more mature, seeing where…

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Fuck Baby Boomer Money

*Excerpts from my (upcoming) book: The Mountain Moved MeAuthor: Vanessa Wishstar “Fuck baby boomer money.” There, I said it. I’ve found the corroded pot of gold, the drawknife that strips the dollar bill bark down to dust, baring the forest of a system in shame, imbalance, inequality and separation. Sure, money issues go back farther than Boomers, but holy hell it’s been doomsday since the dollar had a mouthful of opinions thinking one can give financial advice just because they…

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Psychic Queer

Hi my name is Vanessa Wishstar and I’m a Psychic Queer. Let this not overshadow the real platform for ‘Queer Psychics’ or any LGBTQ+ identifying folks, as I have no intention of overshadowing the much needed spotlight in support, progression of our evolutionary beliefs and unconditional love. I’m just the gal in the witch’s hat in the back, cheerleading with identifying support. Here’s the thing, my ‘identity’ (not related to gender) carries a parallel story with those who’ve been enslaved…

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“You’re Normal”

“You’re Normal”Understanding We’re All of It.  Let me back up a bit. I had a professional tell me the reason why I couldn’t see close up all of sudden he confidently assured me it wasn’t because of my past trauma or a ‘stock market crash’ even though the trauma and eyesight loss coincidently happened to both my husband and I. He said, “it’s because this is what the body does when it ages.” “This is normal.”  Those three words, ‘this…

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Spiritual Dilation

Spiritual Dilation I can’t see. Not the words at least that I’m typing, as if my eyeballs were just smudged. I did that too, using my sage wand, noticing how big I am. My arms can’t even reach the diameter of my energy field. Happy to know I’m available for my greater needs.  Earlier I sat there in a waiting room of old people, “I’ve got to be able to calm myself down from these blurry peripheral walls closing in”,…

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Without this contrast I don’t know if I’d know me this intimately. 

Without this contrast I don’t know if I’d know me this intimately.  If I were rich, I’d be depressed. The kind of depression that gives you full attention to your depression. No longer scratching the couch cushions, knees on the hard floor praying to Jesus this billionth time for help like a runaway Catholic girl. All my same problems would be there, that money can’t remove. And if I were rich it would give me more time, more attention, to my…

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Surviving the Alaskan Way

Vanessa is a mystic woman who discovered through a natural disaster, living in extremes offers the ability to be able to appreciate it all. The noise, the silence, the conveniences, the doing without, the access, the remoteness, the community, the independence. All of it gets the best of her attention and is wildly accepted. She is now free.  Surviving the Alaskan Way The high prices of living in remote Alaska is beyond means, of what it means, to live. The…

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This I’ve learned…

This I’ve learned… I’ve learned how to worship the sun because of the soggy arctic jungle of the Alaskan wilderness, contrast from the vitamin d enriched blazing fire of 9000 feet, lighting the mountains of Colorado.  I’ve learned how to bathe in the moonlight while it rises from the eastern seaside as the waters warm my chilled hairless coat of tanned leather. It took everything from me to get here.  I’ve learned how to dance in the rain even when…

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