
Here you’ll find modalities that came of great use to me especially when I was suffering from accepting reality. 🙂

List of Books for Spiritual Development:

  • The New Earth, The Power of Now, Stillness Speaks,…. by: Eckhart Tolle
  • Loving What IsA Thousand Names for Joy,…. by: Byron Katie
  • The Work, (see more below)…. by: Byron Katie
  • A Course in Miracles (for all you left brains :), A Return to Love,…. by: Marianne Williamson
  • The Presence Process, … by: Micheal Brown
  • *anything from Abraham-Hicks,… by: Esther & Jerry Hicks
  • You can Heal your life, Heal A thru Z,… by: Louise Hay
  • Dying to be Me,… by: Anita Moorjani
  • The Shadow Effect,… by: Debbie Ford
  • The Game of Life and How to Play It,…by: Florence Scovel Shinn
  • The Writings of Florence Scovel Shinn (The Game of Life, Your Word is your Wand, The Power of the Spoken Word, The Secret Door to Success)
    the list goes on and on…..:)
  • Outrageous Openness,…by: Tosha Silver

List of books for the development of your Intuition:

List of Spiritual Films:

List of Online Video’s: (Subscribe to my YouTube page )

Also go to my Online Presence where you can see many of my uploaded videos.

The Work by Byron Katie ~

The work is pretty simple and many times I offer this as a tool in assistance to a specific issue you’re dealing with. As we all have something we just can’t seem to get through, this is where ‘The Work’ really gives you an extra push through love and compassion in being responsible for how you feel.

The basic layout is the following:
Write down what is bothering you, don’t be all kind about it, be real.
For example we’ll use the ever so common one; ‘My partner is driving me bonkers!’

So now apply the 4 questions to your original statement.

  • Q #1: Is that true? (Is it true your partner is driving you bonkers? Seems true, huh?)
    A: YES!!!!!!
  • Q #2: Are you absolutely for sure that, that is true? (Meaning you can’t be 100% sure of anything, so are you super duper sure that your partner’s driving you bonkers?)
    A: Well I can’t be 100% sure, but it sure feels like it, so I’m sticking to Yes!
  • Q #3: How would you feel if you never had that thought? (Meaning if it were impossible for you to even think that your partner could drive you to anything, let alone bonkers how would you feel if you never had that thought?)
    A: I would feel relaxed, like I don’t have to think of anyone else, but me. I would feel relief. (OK hold that good feeling for 17 seconds in your mind and heart)
  • Q #4: Turn it around (Meaning take the original statement and write out the opposite of it)
    A: The opposite of ‘My partner is driving me bonkers!’ is; ‘I’m driving me bonkers!’

Now give yourself 3 reasons why that is a truer statement than the original.
1) * I’m driving me bonkers – Well, I feel like I’m overly involved in my partner’s life and I can’t even concentrate on my own.
2) * I’m driving me bonkers – I keep on putting my needs and requirements on my partner and they’re not responsible for that, only I am.
3) * I’m driving me bonkers – I expect so much out of my partner, but really I’m putting those expectations on myself which aren’t humanly possible. I choose to appreciate me right now, not for what I ‘do’. What I ‘do’ is irrelevant, as I appreciate who I am.

OK so after you do this one, you can do more turn arounds on the original statement, till you get your ‘ahha’ moment of realizing all of our problems are just projection of our thinking. So instead of trying to change the external, change the internal (your thoughts). For a detailed view of how to do The Work I would highly suggest to go to Byron Katie’s website and view the video’s of it being done in action. It gives you a real perspective of how you can apply it to yourself. Also note I do offer guidance via instant message chat of doing the work with you. As it always helps having someone who isn’t emotionally charged about an issue to hold your hand while we work our way out of the mud.

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