A World Without a Winner
If you voted for him, you have to uphold your vote. There’s no ‘one bam, thank you sir’ happening here.
If you voted for him, YOU’RE voting for the atrocities that are taking place.
If you voted for him, YOU’RE in need of having to stand up against these power plays and do damage control.
If you voted for him, YOUR job has just begun.
One can’t stay on the sidelines cheering for a team that’s demolishing the game entirely. And if they do, they will be held just as accountable for said actions. They would be an accomplice. Plain and simple.
Our job as citizens is to vote for who we believe would be the best candidate for the job to support this country’s democracy. Who you choose to vote for is none anyone’s business. But, your job is FAR FROM OVER after you vote. Your vote is a support for your candidate and to uphold their promises, not just mooch off of their winnings. And IF the presidents’ promises shake your values that you hold dear then IT IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to call it out, and to course correct EVEN IF YOU VOTED FOR THEM.
These constituents WORK FOR THE PEOPLE. The president and administrations are not our bosses! I can’t say this enough. We are not living under a king, no matter how you see it. Therefore YOUR JOB is to either further support these new laws IF they are in alignment with what you believe, OR protest against them. We all know that no matter who we vote for, no leader can represent ALL our VALUES. And if you’re noticing that you’re having to stand up against a lot of these presidents’ enactments then you get an opportunity to choose differently at a later time. In the meantime though, it is YOUR RESPONSIBILITY to the greater community, your fellow brothers and sisters to put the good for ALL people back into the power seat and civically acting on behalf of your value system.
All the fear that we experience, doesn’t have to be real. What we fight against is like punching wind – for all parties. So, how I see it is, can we stand up for what is right – without a fight, but rather a foundation in which to support the health of our bigger family?
It will take enormous effort to stand up for the rights of all beings. (Notice I didn’t say, ‘citizens’, there’s a good reason for it.) We must stop separating into check boxes, thinking there’s got to be a winner/rightness because it’s just furthering our lost at sea mentality – drunk on a boat. We must, and I say, MUST, be vigilant on voting with our civil action to be a REAL America – a delicious soup of cultures, offerings, spiritedness, and welcoming. Imagine a WORLD with no borders, no segregation, no leaders, but rather that each voice was valid and heard.
Think it’s impossible?
Think again, after all WE ARE THE PEOPLE.
Vanessa Wishstar
Psychic Medium, Spirit Guide, Writer

Bio: I am a seafull of mountains always seeking the truth, a mystic-called dragon, a psychic phenomena(l) goddess who births stars and makes wishes on their dust. I just love being me. And you being you.
I live in remote, pristine, Alaska and also the regenerative healing waters of Florida, discovering how life is meant to be loved. My husband and two children are my entire universe in which we frolic about, living out this dream. “Live on purpose”, I say!
Vanessa Wishstar
Psychic Medium, Spirit Guide, Writer