In order to rise, we must address our density.

In order for us to raise our vibration, we must be willing to witness our anger (which keeps us dense). I do strongly believe in that with raising our vibration, and how to do just that, is to confront our own demons. This is why I say, we ALL need ‘therapy’. When you see another’s ‘evil’, you are witnessing the absence of love, and though in no way are we anything like the murderer, we are. Bare with me. Hate,…

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Late On Time.

I’m always catching up. I must have too much to do, right? Why is it that so many seem to have an equally full life and yet they can handle it all? It finally dawned on me when I just looked at me. I stopped looking at the comparison, instead turning my gaze into my own Universe. I have a different life. I experience things differently. And I’m still healing. As many know the long story of my decades long…

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Am I an introvert or just exhausted?

I battle with this introverted identity, in trying to understand the difference, if there even is one. People can feel exhausting to me mainly because when we share our feelings we’re in a state of discharge. And here I am huffing away on their tail pipe trying to help them not feel the way they do, which is arrogant of me. Who the hell am I, to block them in their purge? But the question is, how do I not get…

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