Hi my name is Vanessa Wishstar and I’m a Psychic Queer. Let this not overshadow the real platform for ‘Queer Psychics’ or any LGBTQ+ identifying folks, as I have no intention of overshadowing the much needed spotlight in support, progression of our evolutionary beliefs and unconditional love. I’m just the gal in the witch’s hat in the back, cheerleading with identifying support.

Here’s the thing, my ‘identity’ (not related to gender) carries a parallel story with those who’ve been enslaved by the straight and narrow, linear thinking cast upon them. I have an inkling of what it feels like to be queer in all the degrading ways. And it’s dim. 

In calling myself Psychic Queer (adj: strange; odd), I’m an avid supporter for my brothers and sisters who’ve been victimized, isolated. In fact the public uproar quite possibly might add to my flames. You see, you can call me a witch, you can call me a fraud, you can call me the devil itself, but you will only burn yourself with your forked tongue. The hypocritical beliefs split the psyche into good vs evil, when there is nothing but everything which is love. One might fist fight with duality in thinking their FEAR (False Evidence Appearing Real) is valid. Or one might beat another with their bible, a senseless act as if they’re wearing the cloak of their creator. 

War is here, on our homefront. 

But I will not fight, instead I will gather an army. I will gather so many on the other side of which hate stands. But I will not fight you, rather I will find you. I will find you gathered among us, weeping, as dear child your demons aren’t to be burned out of you, but questioned as to who told you, you were ever bad? 

So, if you see me in my witches hat and it’s nowhere near Halloween, or if I’m on a street corner connecting the souls who’ve been left to those who’ve been lifted, toss me a wink, give me a handshake, show your support by sharing my name. Be proud to know me, not just of me. 

My name is Vanessa Wishstar. I am a Psychic Medium, Spirit Guide, and Writer. I talk to dead people. And they respond. 

Get to know me.
Vanessa Wishstar
Psychic Medium, Spirit Guide, Writer

Bio: I am a seafull of mountains always seeking the truth, a mystic-called dragon, a psychic phenomena(l) goddess who births stars and makes wishes on their dust. I just love being me. And you being you.

I live in remote, pristine, Alaska and also the regenerative healing waters of Florida, discovering how life is meant to be loved. My husband and two children are my entire universe in which we frolic about, living out this dream. “Live on purpose”, I say!

Bio: I am a seafull of mountains always seeking the truth, a mystic-called dragon, a psychic phenomena(l) goddess who births stars and makes wishes on their dust. I just love being me. And you being you.

I live in remote, pristine, Alaska and also the regenerative healing waters of Florida, discovering how life is meant to be loved. My husband and two children are my entire universe in which we frolic about, living out this dream. “Live on purpose”, I say!

Vanessa Wishstar, Psychic Medium, Spirit Guide, Supernatural Writer