The Mountain Moved Me

Arguably Blessed

Arguably Blessed(Excerpt from the book: The Mountain Moved Me) Must I have to remind myself where I belong and where I am? Longing to put on a new-to-me Little Red Riding Hood, red wool jacket in the middle of February… in Florida. I long for what I cannot have. Energetically my bones are aching, drooling over the Haines, Alaska nixle cellphone reports of a ‘winter storm warning’, 4,189 miles away from home. “Wake up, Vanessa”, I yell in my head,…

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Women of Haines, Alaska

Women of Haines, Alaska(Excerpt from my book: The Mountain Moved Me) I had a dream of Haines women. We were in a big circle, one in which I was a part of. In my dream, I was ‘reading’ a friend and the tumultuous pangs of her partnership. When afterward, I circled my eyes around, witnessing these strong women of Haines, AK, warriors in their own eulogy. “We’ve been through some stuff”, I muttered through my mind’s thoughts. Noticing how tall…

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“There’s no human form of justice.”

(Excerpt from the book: The Mountain Moved Me, by: Vanessa Wishstar)  “There’s no human form of justice”, my husband sighs.  It’s what I want, what I keep on searching for, the voice to speak up about this injustice. A living (thanks to God) testament that what is happening is unjust.  We’re being *forced to evict ourselves. This is beyond insane of a human request. And on top of it we’ll have to watch another repossess our lives as if we…

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