Vanessa Wishstar

Welcome to my Vanessa Wishstar, Intuitive Medium website. I do Online Readings worldwide through Psychic Mediumship… which means I communicate with loved ones who’ve passed on and I tune into your energetic field (which embodies Infinite Intelligence) working with your guides on delivering information aligning with your highest good. In addition to full-length psychic readings, I also offer membership/punch cards for my On-Demand Psychic services. Go to the Shop for more info.

Center of Evolution of Consciousness is the space in which I offer courses in awakening awareness. Everything from Psychic courses, to doing “The Work” via Byron Katie, and Mentorship on growing your Intuition. ‘Epiphanies of thyself’ happen here.

Be sure to check out my Blog also, as I share vulnerable moments of compassionate understandings, so other’s can learn through our collective experiences.

My job consists of tuning into our higher frequencies while sparking that connection with Source. I see it as me holding your hand while we walk through this stream of consciousness. There, we dip our toes in and you realize all along that you’ve been accessing this unlimited knowledge, beyond the mind. I am merely a messenger, a guide/teacher, in showing you ‘how’. From so many testimonials, it has been said that after a session, one feels not only lighter but empowered in their own innate intuitiveness. And that is precisely my goal – to show you how to access it by creating space to experience a new reality, along with giving information that’s destined for you, in the purest form.

What I specialize in:

  • Transitioned Loved Ones: Connecting people with their loved ones (even furry) who’ve crossed over.
  • Medical Intuitiveness: Health, Dis-ease, Natural Remedies, Body Scanning.
  • Relationships: Love, Friendship, Soul-mates, Family Relations.
  • Past Life: Parallel life, as I see it.
  • Business: Attracting more of it, What’s in store for You, Connecting with certain people or companies, Is it the Right fit for you, Where your focus should be for a better outcome, and so much more.
  • Future: Where you’re heading in life, How can you be more in alignment with what’s in store for you, Compassionate Understanding of Life’s challenges, Focusing on where you can really shine…

Many Blessings,
Vanessa Wishstar ∞ Intuitive Medium & Spirit Guide

Be sure to join us at our other online venues:

Email: Connect page

Wishstar Collective (private group on FB):
Center of Evolution of Consciousness – Center of EOC = Classes:

Vanessa Wishstar Intuitive Medium
Psychic Mediumship
  1. Online Readings Worldwide
  2. On-Demand Psychic
Evolution of Consciousness
  1. Teachings
  2. Online Intuitive Courses
  3. Customized In-Person Apprenticeship
  1. Automatic Writings
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